Mastodon Mastodon


Send your posts all over the web.


Posts Sent

What does it do?

It supports reading RSS & Atom & JSON feeds and then posting those items to Mastodon & & Bluesky & Threads (soon!) & GitHub & Discord & LinkAce. Or it can send them as Webmentions & Webhooks.

What is an echo though?

FeedService = an Echo

What does it cost?


  • One Echo
  • Fetched every 15 minutes


Can't get cheaper than that! Unless I pay you to use it which doesn't seem like a good business model.

EchoFeed Pro

  • Unlimited Echoes
  • Fetched every 2 minutes

$25 a year

I'll email you before it renews because I'm not trying to trick you and I don't suck.

EchoFeed Pro (Prami's Version)

  • EchoFeed Pro but cheaper
  • Exclusively for members of

$25 $20 a year

Not a member? Sign up to here

Connect to on your subscription page.
As long as you're an active member of, you'll get $5 off every year, as a treat.

Sign up for EchoFeed
How about some examples?

✨ EchoFeed can turn this...

{{ title }} {{ link }} #EchoFeed

...into this on Mastodon ...

...or this...

{{ title }} {{ link }}

{{ summary }}

...into this on Bluesky ...

...or turn this...

title: {{ title }}
permalink: "blog/{{ date:iso }}/index.html"
date: "{{ datetime:iso }}"

{{ content }}

...into this on GitHub ...

...or turn this...

{{ title }} {{ link }}

...into this on Discord 🪄

Very Good Questions

Why is it called EchoFeed?

The good reason: Because it takes a feed and "echoes" it to other services. The real reason: It reads RSS feeds, so Feeder. Feeder are a band with an album called Echo Park. Echo is a good name because the album link AND the meaning of the word echo. Naming things is hard, leave me alone.

This was how I named Echo Classic and I'm using it here too.

Why should I use EchoFeed when I can just run Echo Classic?

If you can run Echo Classic that's great! But not everyone has access to, or wants to manage, a server to run it. EchoFeed also has more features than Echo Classic like multiple accounts, for example.

Who makes EchoFeed?

Me, Robb Knight. I'm a developer and podcaster based in the UK. You can find out more about me on my website.

Does EchoFeed send a specific user agent when crawling feeds?

It does. EchoFeed fetch bot;

How do I contact you with a question not answered here?

Drop me an email: